Staging the Question
Examine the New Hampshire state flag that took a trip to the moon and discuss the power and meaning of symbols.
Summative Performance Task
What do our state symbols say about us? Choose the state symbol that you think is the best representation of the New Hampshire you know. Create a presentation that uses evidence from the sources to convince others to agree with your position. Be sure to include information about the history of the symbol: when it was created, how it has changed, and how it has stayed the same.
How should your chosen symbol be used so that more people see and understand it? Write a persuasive paragraph that explains your thinking.
Taking Informed Action
Which state symbols are the most recognizable to others and why? Does it have to do with how they are used or what they show?
Create a survey to gather more information about how people in your school or community feel about our state symbols.
Based on your findings, design a new symbol that incorporates the features and messages that resonate most with people in your community.