The “Moose on the Loose” content standards cover the entire breadth of New Hampshire history, although educators are encouraged to consult the Curriculum Paths section of this website to identify units of study and lesson plans that suit their students’ needs. Given the time constraints in the classroom, we recognize that educators will not be able to teach the "Moose on the Loose" in its entirety. With that in mind, the "Moose" has been designed to provide flexibility for educators to meet the requirements of their district, school, or classroom.
The content standards outline the full expanse of state history and serve as a road map to guide educators, even if there is not sufficient time to cover all material at the elementary level. New Hampshire is fortunate in that its history so perfectly mirrors much of the country’s history. Thus, the study of Granite State history serves as a solid foundation for students’ later explorations of America’s past.
Recognizing the variety of instruction throughout the state and the time pressures under which educators work, the content standards for the "Moose" highlight Key Ideas that are deemed necessary for every upper elementary student in the Granite State. Under each Key Idea, the content standards have supporting ideas that are ideal for study and exploration but not critical for a basic grounding in state and national history.
The content standards are divided into eight topics of study, spanning prehistoric times to the present. The eight topics of study correspond to the topics of study outlined in the “Moose on the Loose” table of contents, which is further broken down into 18 units of study. While the diversity of people’s experiences is vital to understanding the Granite State’s heritage, the “Moose on the Loose” content standards do not contain separate units of study for people of color or for those who have struggled for equal rights throughout the state’s history. Rather this heritage has been incorporated into the larger history of the state, instead of being isolated into discrete units. The history of, for instance, the struggle against slavery or women’s fight for the right to vote is presented within the greater context of New Hampshire history in its appropriate unit of study.