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Color Mason The Moose!


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All the resources that appear in this unit are gathered here for you—the photographs, maps, objects, audiovisuals, documents, videos, biographies, and vocabulary words. Click on the image below to see a larger view of each resource with more information about each one. On some of the resources you can even zoom in and get a closer look. So go ahead, dive in, and explore. Before you know it, you’ll be thinking like a historian.


Find It! Scavenger Hunt

Can you help Mason find these items on the page and answer the questions?

Photographs & Prints in this Unit:

Immigrants Arriving at New York
New American Soccer Club
Cutting Ice
Dairy Farm Workers
Artists from the Nulhegan Band of Coosuk Abenaki
American Political Parties
Hopkinton Town Meeting
Jeanne Shaheen Portrait
Old Man of the Mountain Photograph
Strawberry Picking
African Burying Ground Memorial, Portsmouth
Highway to New Hampshire
Family Tree
Contra Dance
Dawnland StoryFest Storytellers
New Hampshire Highland Games
Abandoned Mill
University of New Hampshire Urban Campus
New England Ice Racing Association
Tourism During Covid
Farm Stand
Community Supported Agriculture
Main Street, Keene
Berlin Main Street Logo
Littleton, New Hampshire
NH Democratic Party Convention
Independent Voters
Political Polarization
Segway Tour
Akwaaba Ensemble
Humanities to Go Presenter
New Hampshire's All-Women Congressional Delegation
Folk Musicians
Afghan Woman in White Park
Franco-American Centre Logo
Story Land
Downhill Skiing on Mount Prospect

Maps & Charts in this Unit:

Town Government Structure
Cities in New Hampshire

Objects in this Unit:

Magnavox Odyssey
Magnavox Odyssey Game Pieces
Texas Instruments Speak & Spell

Videos in this Unit:

Biographies in this Unit:

Ralph Baer
Dean Kamen
Jeanne Shaheen