Brainstorm ActivitiesPut on your thinking cap about New Hampshire as we know it today Humanities To Go Mind Map Brainstorm what you'd like to learn about in Humanities To Go programs Tourist Activities Activity Wheel Brainstorm things that tourists do in New Hampshire throughout the year New Hampshire Today A to Z Chart Fill the chart with words that remind you of modern New Hampshire
Vocabulary ActivitiesTest your knowledge of words and phrases related to modern New Hampshire New Hampshire Today Word Search Can you spot the hidden words? New Hampshire Today Crossword Puzzle Use vocab words to build an interlocking word puzzle
History InquiryExplore what you've learned about New Hampshire in the 21st century Your Immigrant Ancestry Activity Form Explore your own family history Video Games The 5W Questions Answer the questions about who, what, where, when, and why
Art ActivitiesGet creative about illustrating New Hampshire during this period Road Trip Draw Your Own Comic What would your trip around the state look like? Democrats and Republicans Coloring Page bring some color to pictures of each party's mascot
Mapping ActivitiesUse your mapping skills to explore New Hampshire during this period New Hampshire Today Find Your Way Take a Segway tour through this maze