Brainstorm ActivitiesPut on your thinking cap about New Hampshire and the Industrial Revolution Designing a City Mind Map What should your new city look like? Industrial Revolution A to Z Chart Add as many words as you can about the Industrial Revolution Farm Work vs. Factory Work Venn Diagram Compare working on a farm and working in a factory
Vocabulary ActivitiesTest your knowledge of words and phrases related to New Hampshire and the Industrial Revolution Find It! Industrial Revolution Word Search Can you spot the hidden words? Industrial Revolution Word Scramble Unscramble the words and solve the code Industrial Revolution Crossword Puzzle Use vocab words to build an interlocking puzzle
History InquiryExplore what you've learned about New Hampshire's role in the Industrial Revolution Factory Wages Math with Mason What could you buy with your weekly wages? What Was It Like to Work in a Factory? Questions and Answers Use your five senses while you work in a factory
Mapping ActivitiesUse your mapping skills to explore New Hampshire's role in the Industrial Revolution Replacing a Bobbin Maze Find Your Way Get safely in and out of a textile machine NH Industries and Rivers Map It! Test your map-reading skills
Art ActivitiesGet creative about illustrating New Hampshire and the Industrial Revolution Cottage Industry Draw Your Own Comic Show how to make something before you had machines to help Create an Amoskeag Textile Draw It! Design your own fabric
Writing ActivitiesShare your thoughts about the Industrial Revolution Life in the Big City Recording History Write a letter to family about your life working in a factory