The department of education in each state is intended to play a vital role in providing guidance in social studies, as there are no national social studies content standards. The national College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework outlines only skills standards and specifically charges states with designing their own content standards. In many states, these content standards are heavily influenced by annual National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) testing, but New Hampshire no longer participates in NAEP testing in social studies and currently offers no statewide assessment of social studies at any grade level other than the U.S. citizenship test. The state social studies standards provide the only state-level guidance for school districts as to what should be taught in this core subject.
New Hampshire Social Studies Frameworks
These state social studies standards have a long and tumultuous history. The last revision of the standards was completed in 2006. When the NH Board of Education officially adopts revised social studies frameworks, the “Moose on the Loose” team will make any necessary adjustments to keep the "Moose" aligned with them.