Art ActivitiesGet creative about illustrating New Hampshire's presidential primary Make a Campaign Button Draw It! Compare campaign buttons from the past and then design your own Retail Politics Draw Your Own Comic Tell the story of your campaign for president Politics and Eggs Draw It! Design your own egg as a campaign souvenir
Brainstorm ActivitiesPut on your thinking cap about New Hampshire's primary Question a Candidate Mind Map What would you ask a candidate for president? New Hampshire Primary A to Z Chart Fill the chart with words about the New Hampshire primary
Vocabulary ActivitiesTest your knowledge of words and phrases related to the presidential primary in New Hampshire Vote for Mason for President! Fill-in-the-Blanks Help Mason write his campaign speech NH Primary Word Search Can you find the hidden words? NH Primary Word Scramble Unscramble the words and solve the code NH Primary Crossword Puzzle Use vocab words to build an interlocking word puzzle
History InquiryExplore what you've learned about the presidential primary in New Hampshire Political Signs at the State House I Spy! Find all the listed items in the photograph Electing a President Questions and Answers How do we pick a president? Primary Traditions The 5 W Questions Answer the five questions to text your knowledge of this topic
Mapping ActivitiesUse your mapping skills to explore New Hampshire's primary election Diner Dash Maze Find Your Way Help Mason get to a classic NH diner for a campaign event