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Amplify Knowledge Domain

Amplify Lesson

Objective Connection

Moose Lesson

More to Explore

Unit 1:
Nursery Rhymes and Fables
Lesson 4B:
Little Miss Muffet
Students will identify the main characters, details, and events in nursery rhymes. MxA Lesson:
"Mary Had a Little Lamb" and Sarah Josepha Hale
Unit 3:
Lesson 2:
The Three Little Pigs
Students will sequence the events of a literary text. MxA Lesson:
Classic New Hampshire Children's Book
  Lesson 10:
Students will identify a trickster tale as a type of fiction.

Students will explain the actions of the main character in a trickster tale.
Unit 4:
Lesson 2:
Plant Parts
Students will identify different parts of a plant and the function of each. MxA Lesson:
State Flower and Wildflower
  Lesson 9:
Evergreen Trees
Students will compare and contrast deciduous and evergreen trees. MxA Lesson:
New Hampshire Trees
  Lesson 10:
Plants and People
Students will describe ways plants are helpful to people. MxA Lesson:
Is Maple Syrup a Need or a Want?
Unit 5:

Check out Moose Unit 8: Changing Times on the Farm for related resources
Lesson 1:
Old MacDonald Had a Farm
Students will explain why a farm is important. MxA Lesson:
New Hampshire Farms Long Ago and Today
  Lesson 2:
With a Moo, Moo Here
Students will use details to describe cows.

Students will identify the main idea and key details of an informational text about cows.
MxA Lesson:
New Hampshire Dairy Farms
Virtual Field Trip:
Wicked Old Farms and Fairs (just farm parts)
  Lesson 5:
Everywhere a Baa, Baa
Students will identify the main idea and key details of an informational text about sheep.

Students will demonstrate and understanding of the multiple meaing word "pen."
MxA Lesson:
Sheep Boom and Stone Walls
  Lesson 8:
Seasons of Farming
Students will describe events in the farming seasons. MxA Lesson:
Agricultural Fairs and Farmers Markets
Virtual Field Trip:
Wicked Old Fairs and Farms (just the fairs part)
Unit 6:
Native Americans

Check out Moose Unit 2: The Abenaki before 1600 for related resources
Lesson 1:
Introduction to Native Americans
Students will demonstrate important background information about Native Americans. MxA Lesson:
People of the Dawn
  Lesson 7:
A Native American Alphabet
Students will identify and describe the geographic locations of several Native American tribes.

Students will identify various items, homes, and foods from different Native American tribes.
MxA Lesson:
Meeting Needs
  Lesson 8:
Native Americans Today
Students will explain how Native Americans live today.

Students will demonstrate an understanding of the Tier 2 word "traditions."
MxA Lesson:
The Abenaki Today
Unit 8:
Seasons and the Weather

Check out Moose Unit 1: New Hampshire Geography for related resources
Lesson 2:
Students will identify and describe the characteristics of winter. MxA Lesson:
Winter in New Hampshire Long Ago and Today
  Lesson 3:
Students will identify and describe the characteristics of spring. MxA Lesson:
Spring in New Hampshire Long Ago and Today
  Lesson 4:
Students will identify and describe the characteristics of summer. MxA Lesson:
Summer in New Hampshire Long Ago and Today
  Lesson 5:
Students will identify and describe the characteristics of autumn.

Students will compare and contrast the characteristics of winter, spring, and summer, and identify the months that correspond to fall.
MxA Lesson:
Autumn in New Hampshire Long Ago and Today
  Lesson 8:
Students will use a writing lesson to predict the weather and orally present their predictions in a weather report. MxA Lesson:
New Hampshire Weather
Unit 10:
Colonial Towns

Check out Moose Unit 3: Settling New Hampshire and Moose Unit 4: Building a Colony for related resources
Lesson 1:
The Country Family
With asisstance, students will compare and contrast colonial life with present-day life.  MxA Lesson:
New England Kitchen vs. Modern Kitchen
  Lesson 2:
A Trip to Town
Students will use key details to describe different types of tradespeople in colonial times. MxA Lesson:
Examine a Colonial Town
  Lesson 3:
The Breadmakers: Millers and Bakers
Students will use key details to describe the process of making bread in colonial times. MxA Lesson:
Early Mills
  Lesson 4:
The Clothmakers: Spinners and Weavers
Students will identify the term "cloth" and describe differences between where people got their clothes in colonial times and where we get our clothing today. MxA Lesson:
Flax to Linen
  Lesson 5:
Dressmakers, Tailors, Hatters, and Cobblers
Speaking and Listening: Students will identify differences between clothes in colonial times and where we get our clothing today.

Reading: Students will describe the types of tradespeople associated with making clothes and describe their jobs and tools using key details.
MxA Lesson:
Making Shoes
  Lesson 7:
The Housebuilders
Students will use key details to describe how hourse were built in colonial times. MxA Lesson:
Community Building
  Lesson 8:
The Blacksmith
Students will describe the job of a blacksmith and why it is important. MxA Lesson:
Blacksmith Products
Unit 11:
Taking Care of the Earth
Lesson 3:
Natural Resources
Students will identify and describe natural resources and explain why they are important. MxA Lesson:
New Hampshire's Natural Resources
  Lesson 9:
Willy the Waterdrop
Students will differentiate between freshwater and wastewater and will explain why having clean water is important. MxA Lesson:
Neglected Waterways: Merrimack River Watershed